Self Improvement Challenge: Visualization

Self Improvement Thirty Day Challenge

“You want to become aware of your thoughts, you want to choose your thoughts carefully and you want to have fun with this, because you are the masterpiece of your own life. You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David that you are sculpting is you. And you do it with your thoughts.”
Joe Vitale

Day Four:

I read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne a while back and one of the most intriguing stories to me was that of John Assaraf. He shares a story in which his son finds his old vision boards. When he takes the boards out to explain to his son what they are, he realized that one of them had a picture of his dream house at the time. That same house was the house he was now living in. He broke down in tears and his story is now one of the most known inspirations that came out of The Secret.

When you close your eyes and imagine your dream vacation, and take in as many details as you can, your brain interprets that information as if it was actually real. There is no difference between an imagined vision, or a real vision, when it comes to how its stored in your brain. The more you visualize your dreams and goals as being accomplished, the more you will imprint these on your subconscious mind. The more you imprint something on your subconscious mind, the more impulses you will create. These impulses turn into your daily actions and feelings to accomplish your goals and dreams.

When you visualize, take it all in. How does it feel? How happy are you? How happy are others? Take in as many details as you can. The stronger the vision, the stronger force you create within your subconscious to acquire it. Anything is possible, as long as your willing to keep a open mind and take the actions necessary. 

Hope you liked my article, if so please comment below.
To all my readers, thank you for reading this.

I wish you all love and peace of mind.


Unknown said...

I discovered your wonderful site, only a few days ago, and I just love. But I'm hoping you can help me locate something I ran across the other day.(For some reason I not remembering where it was) It's a statement written by Nap. Hill and at the bottom I'm suppose to sign it, and read it allowed every morning/evening. It talks about setting a dollar amount that you want to make. And what your willing to do to make this $. Do you know what I'm talking about? I remember one more thing. It says"I will perform no act where both parties do not prosper. Anyway I 'd really like to be able to start using this formula. If you can help me out I would be most grateful. If not, know worries. Thanks for at least reading this message, I'm sure you get alot of them.
Thank you, and have a wonderful day!
Chris B. Augustyn

The Secret said...

You have a very inspirational blog. Thanks for this wonderful article.


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