5 Simple Ways To Increase Your Brain Power!

Like a muscle your brain needs exercise too! If you don't use it often enough or in the right ways you'll eventually become a slouch. Some of you might find that harsh, buts its the truth. Whatever you focus on most reflects who you are in your daily life. If you use your brain often and in the right ways you will become a skilled thinker and increase your ability to focus. I believe 'Use it or Lose it' is the phrase I'm looking for!

Here are five simple ways you can increase your brain power and decrease laziness. If you accomplish these you will achieve success in other things as well! It's a win win scenario, trade that laziness for success. As the title of this blog states, Success Demands Action!

1. Read a Self Improvement or Personal Development Book Every Day! If I had to state what I thought was the most important factor in the changing of my life, it would be this step right here. Cut down on the TV, gossiping, Facebook or whatever it may be. Your future success is worth it. I cant even imagine how much wasted time is spent on Facebook these days. Commit to self improvement daily and you will be given the keys to success. As always success is never really the result of anything hard. Successful people are the people that don't over look the significant easy to ignore daily steps. Successful people are consistent each and every day. Pick up a good book, it could change your life forever!

2. Exercise! Exercise should be a daily routine in everyones life. The more you exercise the better you feel about yourself, the more open you are to change, and the higher ability you have to focus. Once again give up that Facebook or TV time and go out for a run or do some push ups and sit ups. It doesn't even have to be a extremely exhaustive exercise, but at least something to get your blood pumping. I think it's an OK assumption to say that the average person generally feels better after they complete an exercise routine. You will feel better about yourself and you will be more physically fit. Daily exercise has the power to change your life and open up the doors of opportunity.

3. Eat Healthier! What and how we eat has a huge impact on our attitudes and confidence. Swap the junk food for some fruit and veggies. Replace dessert after diner with a healthy treat instead of chocolate cake. Eating a healthy and well balanced diet will provide us with the energy we need daily to accomplish our goals. We are what we eat, and our daily performance is a reflection of that.

4. Commit to Challenge! Find something new you can do that will be of challenge. Go mountain climbing, or bike riding, maybe even learn a new language! Constantly strive for improvement and find new things to keep your mind and body sharp! Also build upon your success one step at a time. After accomplishing something that challenges you congratulate yourself and move forward. You should have a never ending will to learn something new and be more than you were yesterday. In my eyes this is what makes my life meaningful. I strive to do this in relationships, health, business, family, and in as many things as I can. You will become a well rounded person and extremely marketable if you accept this idea as well.

5. Be Reflective! Some of us have very busy lives, where there seems like there is no room for improvement. Sometimes you need to slow down and reevaluate. Take time out of your daily routine to stop and listen to your self. What are you doing through out the day? Discard the limiting activities, you may find when you stop and listen to yourself, that you have more than you thought. Replace those activities with something that makes you feel good and empowers you. You deserve it, make time for yourself!

I know a lot of people may think I have been somewhat harsh in this article, but I care about you. A good friend is someone that will level with you and tell you exactly how it is. I am a friend of my readers, and I actually do care about your success and future.

My mission statement and main purpose in life is to motivate and inspire others to take action. I am going to level with your right now! If your not achieving what you want out of life, its time to take responsibility, there is no one else to blame. Although things may have been tough and not handed to you on a silver platter, for most people who are considered successful they started out the same way. You decide your future no one else decides for you, so the question is whether or not you will take the necessary action!

"Don't wait, the time will never be just right"
-Napoleon Hill

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DS. Utomo said...

You're right. We should train our brain everyday in order to get the optimal power of it. I would discuss further on my site .

Nice Veloso said...

Not for nothing did I add you. My main mission and purpose in life is to motivate and inspire others to act too. It is the master and disciple method. The teaching of learning at the same time. Winning himself, overcoming the limits and breaking the barrier interior. Practicing every day to Forge our own potential and be truly human and able to be happy and we can say: Do what I say and watch how I act!

Anonymous said...

Extremely great entry! I feel that in today's society we are so busy and consumed with work and stressful thoughts, we don't even know where to start to move forward. We stay in the same everyday routine, out of habit. It's entries like this that help us get a start on how to move forward in life. Thank you.

Awais said...

Hey!!! its so nice to see your blog and its well arranged very nice

Regards :

Anne Lyken-Garner said...

Definitely exercise it! We lose what we don't use.
People often forget that eating healthily is not only for the body but for the brain too. Great post. P.S your review is now on A Blogger's Books.

Mark said...

All of the things you listed are important. The most important one to me is the one that is most often overlooked or avoided and that is to take time to be reflective. I forgot who said it, however it is said that most of the ills of the world are because we cannot sit alone and still in a room for any length of time. We must know our self and this is almost impossible to do when we are always on the run.

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