Eckhart Tolle
Your mental attitude effects everything around you. When things are going bad it may be a indicator that you have to evaluate yourself first then the situations at hand. Whether you are in a state of positivity or negativity effects everything you do and even what the people around you do!
Don't Let Others Effect Your Mental State! Often times when I used to work at a restaurant, I would have customers who were extremely rude and unhappy. Often times at that stage in life they would make me angry in return. But I have now learned that you have to be careful, negativity is like a germ it spreads from person to person. You must work on developing a strong immunity to negativity. Whenever someone says something negative to you, simply shake it off and smile. You may even find smiling in return will even change their state!
Your Attitude Effects Your Beliefs In The Present! When you are in a positive state of mind you will find it easier to get things done. How you view the world in the present effects the way you react. Change your view from a negative to a positive and watch the doors of opportunity open before your eyes. No matter how bad times seem or no matter how bad your situations may be, always look for the positive. You can make any adversity into a asset. The only thing that makes the difference is your attitude!
There Are So Many Things To Be Happy For! No matter what you think, your situation could always be worse. Take inventory of the things you do have instead of focusing on what you don't! You're alive and breathing right now, therefore you have something to be happy about.
You Have The Ability To Contribute, Now Change The World! Destroy the negativity epidemic that is going around the world today! We are recovering from one of the worst economic depressions the world has ever seen. We need soldiers on the front line to defend ourselves from all the negativity thats going around! If we stay positive business will boom, friends will be created, and wars will end.
Of course positivity alone cannot change the world, but positivity backed by action can! Take action today and go out of your way to help another. Do your part! Even something as easy as giving that clerk at the register the smile they may need can make a difference. Success has never been hard. By doing simple things consistently you can achieve success in whatever you desire. Most people tend to look over this fact.
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that's so true Allen
especially point number one,
thank you for this post :)
great advice Allen. Thanks for commenting on my blog, and with this kind of writing, i would certainly exchange links on the blog roll. Let me know.
I have never thought of "developing a strong immunity to negativity". I like the way that sounds! Great advice.
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