You are not your past, Join the present!

"You are the designer of your destiny. you are the author. You write the story. The pen is in your hand, and the outcome is whatever you choose."
Lisa Nichols

A lot of people feel as if they're victims in life. This belief can be one of the most limiting factors in Life. The average person points to the past as the cause of their shortcomings in the present. The truth is people are not so unique when it comes to this. Psychologists believe that 85% of families are dysfunctional. So no matter what has happened in the past, chances are someone else has gone through similar or worse situations.

You are not your past! You decide what you want to be, your past does not decide for you. So you must give up all the blaming, all the hating, all those negative feelings, and just let them go. Stop focusing on what you should have done, and start focusing on what you can do now!

We are what we focus on! If you are focusing on the bad experiences of the past, you are attracting to you more of the same. View the past positively. Everything that's happened before now is the history of your future success story!

You alone have the ability to choose who you are and what you are going to do! Focus on what you want, instead of what you wish you had. The law of attraction will bring to you all of your completed dreams if you stay true to the process! We are what we think!

You are the only one who can create the life you deserve. So I ask you what are you going to do? Don't let your past shackle down your present! Stop focusing on what you should have done and instead ask yourself, what can I do now?

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