50 tips for improving your self confidence

Today I decided to take a break away from our goal setting series and write 50 tips for improving self confidence. Self confidence plays a crucial part in the development of our future. How we think and perceive ourselves, generally relates to how we perceive the world. Having a well balanced level of self confidence effects your daily life and your future to come. Please enjoy these 50 tips and remember how we think and act effects what we do and become. Always strive to become better than yesterday, and by doing so you will create the future of your dreams.

  1. Be happy, you control your thoughts
  2. Let go of the worry and the blame, live in the moment
  3. Know that you have many strengths
  4. Say positive affirmations often, they will improve your self confidence
  5. Take time to understand your weaknesses, and focus on your strengths
  6. Use positive words to describe yourself
  7. Stopping blaming yourself for things that are not your fault
  8. Try and understand others instead of criticize them, see it from their point of view
  9. Don’t take things too personally
  10. Spend time exercising 
  11. Remember that you are your own boss
  12. Be understanding and forgive others
  13. Get friends or family to support you as you gain confidence
  14. Remember that you determine your own destiny
  15. Evaluate your beliefs
  16. Don’t call yourself or others names
  17. Use visualizations to achieve success
  18. Don’t say yes when you mean no
  19. Take responsibility for yourself
  20. Join a Self Improvement blog
  21. Praise yourself for doing something good
  22. Read Self Improvement daily
  23. Distinguish between your needs and your wants through which you can build self confidence
  24. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want
  25. Anticipate criticism from others and be prepared to answer
  26. Use feeling words
  27. Writing specific affirmations yourself build your self confidence
  28. Put affirmations on your calendar or post around the house
  29. Set realistic goals for yourself
  30. Don't do things that hurt you, learn to say no
  31. Know that mistakes happen to everyone
  32. Replace bad habits with positive ones
  33. Master your fears
  34. Use mantras to get through tough situations
  35. Eat healthy and be health conscious
  36. Use challenges as an opportunity to learn to boost your self confidence
  37. Break large goals up into achievable smaller goals
  38. Do not be cocky, you will eventually be shot down.
  39. Trust your intuition
  40. Stop being judgmental
  41. Use constructive feedback to your benefit
  42. Think of at least one positive trait per day
  43. Stand up for yourself
  44. Handle anxiety adequately
  45. Connect with your family and friends
  46. Use to-do lists
  47. Only take on what you know you can accomplish
  48. Know that your ideas are important
  49. Use a journal to learn more about yourself
  50. Utilize time-management and organizational skills

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1 comment:

Mark said...

These are some really useful tips for improving self-confidence. One thing I think is very important for helping people improve their self-confidence is that they need to break away from relying on the opinions of others. Don't base your self-worth on what others have to say about you!

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