How to guide and benefits of becoming a early riser

When I had that day of reckoning and decided to change my life and never look back, one of the first steps I took was changing my sleep habits. Changing my sleep habits has changed my perspective of the world and it could for you as well. They're few things in the world that are more peaceful than watching the sun rise in the morning while reading an empowering book and eating a delicious breakfast.

For most of my life I was a late riser. It was a daily routine of mine to hit that snooze button over and over again and wake up one minute before making myself late. My mornings were rushed and I hardly ever had time to eat breakfast.

Waking up early had many benefits. I was able to slow down, and accomplish things I normally wouldn't be able to. For example: I could eat a full breakfast, read a good book, and even had time to relax and be reflective. Waking up early would set the entire tone for the rest of the day. I never felt behind, I was calm, collective, and I accomplished more. The benefits of waking up earlier are just too great to not give it a shot!

I think I have a pretty good guess at what your thinking right now. Most likely something along the lines "Yeah that all sounds great Allen, buts its easier said then done." Well your right, it is, but hopefully these steps will help you out along the way.

Here are my tips for becoming a early riser:
  • Take it slow. Start off slow by waking up 15 minutes early. Do this for a couple of days until you get used then go back another 15 minutes. Keep doing this until you reach your ideal time to wake up. 
  • Get to sleep earlier. Chances are if you are like most people you are used to staying up late, surfing the web or spending time on face book. Limit these activities and push yourself to go to bed earlier. 
  • Move your alarm clock far away from your bed. Make sure you alarm clock is out of arms reach so you can hit that dreaded snooze button. This may solve the snooze button disease for most, but for me I would get out of bed, hit the snooze button, then fall back to sleep, and sometimes turn the alarm off. So I bought 3 alarms and placed them in various places around my room and never had the problem again. I'm not going to lie though, the first couple of days were tough, I'm surprised I didn't break all three alarms.
  • Don't think just move. As soon as you wake up don't allow yourself to rationalize. Just get up and move towards the bathroom and hop in that shower asap. The shower was the best way to wake me up in the morning, and a nice warm relaxing shower gets the day off on the right foot.
  • Give yourself rewards. At first waking up earlier will be hard, but as time goes it will get easier. Find ways to make waking up pleasurable and you will have a much easier time. A hot cup of tea or coffee and a good book after a warm shower was a huge perk for me. 
  • Make good use of that extra time. Don't just wake up early so you can relax. Even though its important that you do that as well, spend time getting a head start on the day too.
  • Believe in yourself. Be positive from the start and use positive reinforcements. Tell yourself before you go to bed that you believe in yourself, and you know you will get up at the desired time. This might seem silly to some, but it really helped me.  

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fazrul arhan said...

Agree with you 200%. I used to be a late riser too but thanks God now i can manage my life to get up early at 6 average.
Same like you,i find it the benefits of waking up earlier are just too great to not give it a shot!
Love your blog,i subscribe it via email:)

industrial training said...

My son need to read your early rising post. :>)

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