Create a Vision Binder

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions"
Albert Einstein

For many, visualization is one of the most underused success tool. People don't realize that one of the strongest ways to attract what you want out of life can be done by visualizing it. Visualization stimulates the creative power within the subconscious mind. Visualization will stimulate your brain, and will push you to achieve more. 

I have been a student of self improvement for awhile now, and a few years back I decided to create what Jack Canfield calls a Goal/Vision binder. Its a simple three ring binder with sleeves. Every day I strive to add something to the binder, always building upon past goals and future endeavors. I add all sorts of different quotes,goals, pictures, essays, and magazine articles to help inspire me and keep me focused. 

Add emotion to your images and goals. People remember emotional things more. I can remember the exact place and time I was at when the World Trade Centers were attacked. That was something that was extremely emotional, and something i will never forget. The more emotional your images and goals are, the less likely you will forget them. If you are less likely to forget them, that means you are more likely to make the necessary decisions daily without much thought to accomplish them.

Action Steps to building your Vision Binder
1. Purchase a three ring binder and sleeves.
2. Print out your definite purpose and put this as the front page of your binder. 
3. Print out your goals and add these to your binder as well in order of importance.
4. Add magazine articles and quotes that inspire you wherever you can fit them.
5. Put pictures of things you wish to have, and things that currently make you happy.
6. Read and look through your binder each night. Make sure each time you read your definite purpose and goals. 
7. Add to your binder daily.

Pictures of my Vision Binder

The person who visualizes their dreams, creates their own future.


Anonymous said...

Great blog post here :)
I too have used a goal binder.

Anonymous said...

Hi again,
Sometimes it takes a clear physical act to bring energy to your progress.

This binder is a powerful idea.

Will link to you like we discussed last time!

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