I have found in my studies and experience of dedicated self improvement that ones success is often determined by their daily agenda. It is important to make the most out of each and every day. I have made it my own personal goal to make each day better than the last and build upon previous success. I believe this is characteristic of any successful individual and I suggest my readers adopt this goal as well.
How would you currently describe your life? Are you achieving everything that you desire? Are you accomplishing the things that are most important to you? At your current state do you consider yourself a success? How are your prospects for the future?
The thing most people have a hard time grasping is that success in most cases is always simple. The average person can turn any situation around in a matter of days as long as they manage their daily decisions and agenda. Success in life doesn't just happen one day. Success can be defined as a cumulative effect of consistent daily actions towards a goal or accomplishment. The same is true for failure as well. Success is a daily process, and every day of your life is merely preparation for the next. What you become tomorrow is a result of what you do today! In other words you are preparing for something through your daily actions. The question is, what are you preparing yourself for? Are you moving towards success or failure?
Time is an equal opportunity employer, but how we treat time is not equal. Time is like a block of stone. Give a block of stone to an average person, and they simply have a block of stone. Give that same block of stone to a master sculptor, and amazing things happen. The sculptor looks at the block with a artistic eye. First he makes decisions about the piece of stone and what he wants it to be. Then he practices the disciplines of his trade and creates a masterpiece. I believe we can all become like the sculptor. We can learn to become master craftsmen as well, not of stone but of our lives.
Good decisions today will give you a better tomorrow! Good decisions are not always simple, but they are necessary for success. You do not make decisions because they are cheap, easy, or popular, you must make decisions because they are right!
You will create the life of your dreams by making better decisions today. Reevaluate the decisions you have been making and decide which ones are bringing you towards success or away from it.
One of the most powerful ways to make each day a success in my opinion is the use of the daily one hour success system. Find a way to fit an extra hour every day that is dedicated to your own self improvement. You can divvy this hour up whatever way you would like, its completely customizable, the important thing is that you stick to the daily routine.You can read more about the topic at the bottom of this page in the self improvement resources section.
Before you go to bed each night write down your daily goals for the next day. Schedule yourself specific time slots in which you can accomplish certain tasks. You may have to reevaluate where you are spending your time most to make room for these goals, but your success is worth more than any amount of time watching TV or playing games!
Analyze your daily activities and restructure them so they are goal oriented and watch your dreams unfold before your eyes. Each day you will be getting a step closer in their direction.
It's a proven fact that most people over estimate what they can do in a year, but underestimate what they can do in a day. Set high standards for yourself. Don't focus all your energy on the future, focus on what you can do now!
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Great Article!
…over estimate what they can do in a year, but under estimate what they can do in a day.
Hmm, never thought of this.
Thanks Loomis, it gives me food for thought.
"Don't focus all your energy on the future, focus on what you can do now!"
think you are right.
thanks for the tips.
Great Article!
I believe it of great importance to put your daily agenda in the way you describe it. If you do every day everything according what is truly important to you, your personal success can only increase every day.
But it is not my experience that I underestimate what can be done in day. I start to understand what can be done in year, but that is still fuzzy. But I believe that everybody underestimate what you can do in 10 ears .... with a daily agenda :-)
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