50 Things You Should Care About

Things You Should Care About
It Takes One Person At A Time
In life it's easy to get caught up in everything that's going on around us and we often lose track of what really matters. This list was put together so that you can refer to it when you need some perspective. Stop worrying about all the small things, and start focusing on what really matters! Life is too short and fragile to waste time on insignificant issues.

50 Things You Should Care About:
  1. Helping others
  2. Your Health
  3. Your Self Improvement, are you growing everyday?
  4. Your Friends
  5. What kind of future are you creating for yourself?
  6. Your Family
  7. Your Goals
  8. Your Attitude
  9. What you are taking in and putting out
  10. Your Relationships
  11. Daily Activities
  12. Freedom
  13. Your Country
  14. Happiness for yourself and others
  15. Creating strong affirmations
  16. Protecting the people close to you
  17. Your kids education
  18. Your own education
  19. Teaching others
  20. Inspiring others
  21. Creating a world of peace and gratitude
  22. Paying Yourself First
  23. Creating a solid budget that is in line with your goals
  24. Ignoring the unimportant
  25. Become a strong leader
  26. Accepting your mistakes
  27. Creating strong habits
  28. Starting something new and fulfilling
  29. Getting a job that inspires and pushes you, or consider self employment
  30. Starting a blog
  31. Keeping a journal
  32. Traveling
  33. Cleaning up clutter
  34. Your sleep cycle
  35. Your Diet
  36. Your personal success
  37. Go Green
  38. Whats your definite purpose?
  39. Build new skills
  40. Reading a book a week
  41. Self improvement challenges
  42. Forgive people
  43. Stop being judge mental
  44. Smile more
  45. Join a new group
  46. Meditating daily
  47. Define your goals
  48. Create value
  49. Random Acts of kindness toward someone who may just need it
  50. Stop complaining

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Anonymous said...

Great list!

Setyo-Utomo Said said...

Very useful list. Like it. Plz comment my new post on FISH POND . Thanks !

Theresa H Hall said...

Fifty was a very good amount and the variety was well balanced.

marianne said...

so true, very inspiring. thank you!

Miss Lego said...

Thanks so much for that list, I think it's quite important to have that in mind.

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