How to regain your creativity; start dreaming again!

All of us at some point or another have felt drained and idealess. I know I have felt it. Our creativity seems to hit an all time low, and we cant seem to get off the couch to go out and do anything. The truth is our personal creativity also helps create our enthusiasm for life. Our own creativity and imagination plays a huge part in what we will accomplish.

"First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination."
Napoleon Hill Quotes

Our imagination is our most powerful conscious gift. It gives us the ability to picture in our minds our dreams and goals. Without this powerful tool, there would be no creativity, and there would never be anything new.

An acorn is just an idea of a oak tree. If you take care of the acorn, give it the right environment and nourishment, it then becomes an oak tree. The same is true for your dream. Your dream is just a idea, but if you take the right steps and put forth the effort needed, your dream will become a reality.

Here are 15 things you can do to get your imagination working again:
  1. Read a good fantasy book, something that will spark your enthusiasm
  2. Meditation
  3. Play with your kids, let go of that up tight parent figure for a day and play a game with them.
  4. Eat healthy
  5. Exercise
  6. Make a dream list- Write down all the things you wish to accomplish or have in your lifetime
  7. Write a business list- Write all the different ideas down you might have for a business
  8. Listen to classical music- Its soothing and your mind creates the story or picture for the music
  9. Write a short story
  10. Ask yourself what you would do if you have no limits, write it down!
  11. Write in a journal daily
  12. Be willing to take risks
  13. Become a student of self improvement
  14. Overcome your negative attitudes
  15. Create a mind map

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