In the last lesson of this series you learned how to write your goals correctly and achieve results. In this lesson you will be learning the importance of creating a Knock Out Goal.
"If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes."-Andrew Carnegie Quotes
When you are creating your goals its important to set long term and short term goals. But its also important to write a knock out goal. A goal that encompasses all of your other goals. A goal that when you succeed at accomplishing it, you will feel complete. This goal should describe your character and passion. The achievement of your knock out goal would change everything!
Some examples of knock out goals:
Getting a masters or doctoral degree
Lose 75 pounds
Winning an Olympic Gold Medal
Opening and successfully running your own business
Creating a blog that has 100k subscribers (Personal goal of mine)
Financial freedom with enough money in the bank to retire
The list goes on and on, and every person has a unique knock out goal!
What goal could you achieve that would change everything?
What would your knock out goal be?
Your knockout goal is a goal that's worth pursing with passion. It's a goal that's worth spending at least a little time on each day.
The next step is writing your knock out goal down as you were taught in the previous lesson. Write your goal with detail and with passion. Once you have written your most important goal, carry it with you at all times. I suggest putting it in your wallet or purse. But where ever it is, make sure it's somewhere that you will see it often. By doing so you will constantly remind your subconscious and conscious minds, and it will keep them sharp.
Another reason why its integral that you carry your goal with always is because as soon as you write it down you will have doubts and fears. These doubts and fears are normal, but you must master them. It's OK at first have fears and doubts. Your knock out goal should stretch you and push you. But don't let your fears defeat you, let them be a testament for why you need to accomplish your goal.
"The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough."-Randy Pausch Quotes
The brick walls you face are obstacles life throws at you- it rains when your trying to do yard work, your car breaks down on the way to work, you don't have enough money in the bank to pay for an emergency, and so on. Brick walls are simply the circumstances that happen no matter what we do. They're there to test us, to show us how badly we want something, and to see if we actually deserve it.
You must become a inverse paranoid as W. Clement Stone called it. See everything bad happening as a chance for some good to arise. At the very least if you cannot find anything good out of an event that's going on, I guarantee there is something to learn from it.
My uncle passed away when I was young. We were extremely close, and he was a huge influence in my life. He was a business mentor of mine and in his personal life he was always happy. At the age of forty he had a heart attack in his sleep. No one saw it coming, and he passed away that night. Being a kid, I always wondered why did he have to go like that? I would get down on my hands and knees and ask god why. He was a good person who did good things.
What I have learned from this bad experience is very positive, and in away I carry on his legacy. I learned that life at times can be short, and things can change in a second, I could be gone tomorrow. But that's not important, the what ifs do not matter. What is important is the now. What can you do in the present? How can you effect as many lives as possible in a positive and powerful way?
I owe who I am today to that experience. I found the light in a sad situation. Don't let the hard times break you and don't let your doubts paralyze you. Move boldly with strength and courage.
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Wow! very inspiring and scary... Very insightful blog.
I'll be back to get lift up.
Thanks for sharing that personal memory, it clarifies a lot. Death is always shouting at us, "Live today!"
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