Twenty actions you can take to make this year your best year ever!

In life we only have control over three specific things. These are the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take. The combination of these creates your behavior. You must let go of all the blaming and excuses and take one hundred percent responsibility for your self. You control your behavior which in return controls how you react to life situations. Your behavior creates your results.

So instead of placing blame for what you haven't achieved or your own lack of accomplishment on all the exterior things in life, its time to look within for answers. From here on out you will change your responses to whatever situations may happen in life. Become an inverse paranoid as W. Clement Stone calls it and see everything that happens to you as a blessing and a way to better yourself. Try and look for the good in everything and everyone.

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve"
Napoleon Hill

It is my belief that we all deserve to have whatever we want exactly the way we want it. But this takes effort on the part of the individual looking to achieve their desires. Things generally do not happen over night, but instead they happen in a gradual step by step pace. When you take responsibility for yourself you realize this fact, and no longer look over the daily routines that need to be taken like so many others do, you will be ready for success.

Success is not hard, in reality its quite easy. The first step is to take responsibility for yourself and control your own behavior. The next step is taking the daily actions to pull success your way.

Success does not happen over night, it is the cumulative effect of daily actions consistently put into action. The average person may find this mundane, and too easy to be true. But what if I told you something simple as reading a self improvement book daily for an hour for the next 365 days could drastically increase your health, relationships, financial situations, and your self confidence.

I am going to equip you with a list of twenty daily exercises you can do for the next 365 days. I hope you take this challenge, and choose at least three of these daily exercises and commit to doing them for 365 days. Grab a Calendar and make it specifically for your goals only. Each day you accomplish your daily routine, place a x on that day. Share what you are doing with friends and family, and post the calendar in a spot where everyone can view it. By doing so this will help you hold yourself accountable.

Twenty Self Improvement Actions You Can Take Daily To Change Your Life!
1. Read an hour a day of a self improvement book
2. Go for a run each morning or night
3. Replace your unhealthy snacks with fruits and vegetables
4. Spend thirty minutes daily visualizing your dreams and goals
5. Learn how to meditate and practice daily
6. Write your goals and review them every morning and night
7. Start a journal or blog and write daily
8. Wake up an hour earlier each day
9. Commit to talking to one new person a day
10. Create a daily list of things to do each night before you go to bed for the next day.
11. Learn something new each day
12. Commit to helping a friend or family member every day
13. Clear clutter daily in your house and office
14. Stop blaming others and creating excuses
15. Use the power of affirmations
16. Give back to the community
17. Commit to talking with and working on your relationships
18. Give up Facebook or other social networking programs
19. Give up an hour of TV
20. Learn a new language

This list is not the end all be all by any means. Its just a guide to give you ideas. Your future success is up to you, and you only. I hope you take this seriously and commit to doing this. A year from now you wont recognize yourself, I can promise that. Especially if you take advantage of the number one exercise on this list, your own self improvement study.

Related Self Improvement Articles:
The power of goal setting and how to write defined goals
Napoleon Hill and Think and Grow Rich
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Menuju Sukses said...

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good job friedns
thanks you

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