Napoleon Hill and The Law of Success

In 1928, the infamous self help book, The Law of Success, was published for the very first time. Its author, Napoleon Hill, interviewed some of the greatest business leaders, politicians, scientists, and religious leaders from those days. The book contains a series of sixteen lessons, and each lesson is dozens of pages long. It spent many years out of print, but recently Melvin Powers, who is associated with the Wilshire Book Company, have published it into two volumes for this generation to enjoy.

It is considered one of the greatest books about goal setting and self confidence of all time. What are goals? How does one achieve more self confidence in order to attract wealth and success? Law of Success answers those types of questions. The lessons are designed to teach the principles and ideologies of successful living to us all. Truly, Napoleon hill wrote the road map to success so that it can be studied forever.

So who all did Napoleon Hill interview? Alexander Graham Bell, for starters. He helped Hill write the first chapter, "Master Mind", and while some his views on chemistry are now outdated, much of the material is just as important today as it was 80 years ago. Other important people that Napoleon Hill interviewed in the Law of Success include: Thomas Edison, George Eastman, Elmer Gates, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Charles M. Schwab, William Wrigley Jr., F.W. Woolworth, John Wanamaker, William Wrigley Jr., Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, William H. Taft, William Jennings Bryan, and Jennings Randolph.

Wow! So many great thinkers, scientists, and presidents all in one place. Napoleon Hill grew up in poverty himself, and had many misfortunes befall him as a young boy. Yet he still grew up to become a successful writer and had connections with great scientists and presidents. His own personal idea of success wasn’t so much as the accomplishment of all of life’s goals, but rather the accomplishment of something meaningful---something wonderful.

While The Law of Success does give insight as to how to build wealth in one’s life, it also encourages the act of saving money and being frugal. Because of his wise advice about obtaining and saving wealth, Napoleon Hill is considered a "father" of sorts toward the modern "law of attraction" movement. He also made the golden rule philosophy — "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"— popular and memorable.

If you’re interested in learning how to attract wealth, improving your self confidence, and figuring out what goals are most important to you, then you need to read Law of Success by Napoleon Hill. Not only will this be the perfect book for you, but Hill’s other famous book, Think and Grow Rich, is also a great read about attracting wealth and success.

Of course, you won’t find all the success and self confidence you want out of life by reading these Napoleon Hill books, but you will learn important steps on how to obtain such things. It’s up to you whether you take what you read seriously or not. If you do, then you’ll be on your way to knowing why even US presidents have endorsed these books.

Related Self Improvement Book Reviews:
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
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Chuck Bartok said...

What a thrill to find another fan of Napoleon Hill.
I was introduced to his work in 1960 and it has become the foundation of my Lifestyle.

You and your readers will enjoy this simple Audio gift

The Secret of Think and Grow Rich

Looking forward to having you join out Tlak Show

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good and well deserved tribute...This guy was years ahead of his time.

thomas m. kern said...

I have the book downloaded on my computer. live it love it learn the principles and put into action.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post - this book is a classic and I too have taken from the book and implemented the strategies spoken of

Rick said...

I suggest Napoleon Hill's two books "Think and Grow Rich" and "Law of Success" are companion volumes and should both be read in order to fully understand his personal philosophy of success. Both cover similar material, however, with a slightly different emphasis in each book. One complements the other in understanding his philosophy.

Martin UK said...

I prefer the materials by Douglas Vermeeren who many say is the new Naoleon Hill. He also conducted the same studies with top business people in his day. But Vermeeren is more relevant to today including business that were not in existence in Hill's day. Vermeeren also included celebrities and Athletes which were not considered as successful in the ealry 1900's, Vermeeren's strategies are very applicable to today and have relevant examples and insights that in som cases strengthen what Napoleon Hill original said, but in many times add to it and go beyond what Hill wrote. There are clips on Vermeeren on (enter "douglas Vermeeren" in the search field) and on his website I have found a look of free material that helped me specifically in my network marketing business. And Napoleon never even talked about those kinds of millionaires because there weren't really any around in his day. As my team leader one time expressed it, encouraging me to throw out some really old sales training cassettes I had (he wasn't chatting about Napoleon Hill at the time, but the same principle holds true) "We need to get our information and training from the most relevant up to speed and connected individuals we can. If we are not learning from the cutting edge, we are learning what everybody already knows." Yes. I do think alot of what Hill teaches is out dated.

Brian said...

I was reading your posts here and I recently saw The Secret again and The Opus and I really liked them both. I thought they were very different in their approach to similar lessons. In the end I think The Opus was more practical but The Secret seemed to be more cutting edge in the music and filming. I highly recommend them both. I was also reading below about people's comment of the various creators Rhonda Byrne and Douglas Vermeeren. i have never seen Rhonda Byrne live, but I have seen Douglas Vermeeren live. He is an incredible speaker. And just like the Opus he was full of great practical information. I found him to have great and useful insights far more relevant than many other speakers I have heard. He has been compared to Napoleon Hill and rightly so. His materials focus around interviews he has conducted with some of the most success people on the earth in the last decade. You can find more about him at his official website and there are also many good clips on youtube. I have heard many saw that he is the next big upcoming personal development leader and after having seen his materials I would agree.

Blake said...

True or false? I have heard a rumour that Douglas Vermeeren has been invited by the Napoleon Hill foundation to do a "Modern" revision on Think and Grow Rich.

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