The Power of Goal Setting and How To Write Defined Goals

"Only three percent of adults have clearly defined written goals- and those three percent earn, on average, ten times as much as those without written goals"

Goals are the driving force behind all achievement. Goals keep us focused and determined. The person with defined goals knows exactly what they want out of life and how they wish to receive it. They are the masters of their destiny, and they decide which level of achievement they are happy with.

Start by visualizing your goals, when and where do you wish to achieve them? Then write your goals down, and have them close by at all times. Many people don't realize that motivation, drive and ambition stem from not only having clearly defined goals, but the consistent visualization of those goals.

I Keep A three ring binder with all my goals, accomplishments, and anything that motivates me. I suggest you do this as well. I keep everything in sleeves so I can turn the pages and keep it nice. When I look through my binder it's a lot like looking through a portfolio, of my desired future. On the front of each page in my goal section, I have my goals clearly written. 

For example: I will receive $250,000.00 by January 20Th 2011 in order to purchase a boat. On the back of that sheet I go into detail on How, Why,When, and What I will give in return.

Proper Goal Setting

Specific: Identify why and what you are passionate about. If you goal is to buy a boat like mine, what kind of color would you like the boat to be? Get emotionally involved, these are your dreams, make them perfect.

Measurable: How you will know you are moving the right direction. Pick a exact time frame in which to attain your goal, even down to the exact minute if you wish. 

Attainable: Believe that you are able to achieve your goals. Write it as if you are owed it, and it is coming, no matter what.

Relevant: Make sure your goal is something you are passionate about.

Timetable: What small steps will you accomplish along the way, how long will it take, layout an expected road map for your goal.

Action Steps
1. Purchase a three ring binder and sleeves to put paper in. 
2. On the front of each sheet write your goal and on the back write your Whys, Whats, Whens, and Hows.
3. Add pictures of things that motivate you to your binder. Such as family pictures, quotes, friends.
4. Spend time each night adding something to your binder that motivates you.
5. Spend time daily reflecting on your goals.


Anonymous said...

SMART goals plus time equals reality.

Claire said...

I like your blog

Anonymous said...

I actually recently launched a website called It provides users with a My Goals Page where they can put their goals down and include details and deadlines for the goals. You can also blog and comment on other users goals. It is a new website with more work to be done but you should check it out, sign up, and offer some criticism - It would really be helpful. Thanks.

rajivahuja said...

I am inspired by your blog.

zakari said...

I am on my way for success. your blog plays a grait role to keep me positive every day.

Becca said...

Setting goals is important on the road to self-fulfillment and success, but finding the motivation to pursue these goals can be difficult. is a social network designed to help users achieve their personal goals, no matter how big or small. Create a profile, invite your friends, track your progress, and join a community of experts and fellow moteevators to help you inspire and be inspired.

Go be great, moteevate

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