Self Improvement: The Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham, by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hick has been a very popular book. The philosophies are not new, but this book helped introduce them to them to the world.

All of us wish we could improve our self confidence at times, and that we can be confident enough to attract wealth, power, money, and healthy relationships. The law of attraction teachings tell us that we can do all those things, and more!

We deny ourselves what we truly want by believing that we have no control over our lives. Many believe that we exist in this world only as physical beings, and that reality is something which none of us has any control over. By doing this, we unknowingly attract MORE things that we can’t seem to control.

We are our thoughts.

No truer words have ever been spoken. Reality isn’t something that is beyond our control, rather our reality is a result of our own thoughts and emotions. Reality is subjective. We each live in this world from our own point of view, so what better way to make the world a better place than to believe in ourselves?

Want to control the world? First try controlling yourself.

Change comes from within. In order to master the world, we must first master our minds. The more negative thoughts we think, the more negativity we bring not only to ourselves, but to the world. Since we each live in the world from our own point of views, then the more we abuse our minds and bodies, the more we abuse the world. Therefore, if we want to make the world a better place, we should start thinking positive thoughts and feeling positive emotions.

Those of us with a bad relationship with money need to start thinking more positively about it. A healthy relationship with money consists of two things: using it wisely and using it selflessly. Many law of attraction experts will tell us that we must "visualize" having more money if we are to obtain it. While this does work, we also need to save it and to use it wisely if we wish to have an abundance of it. At the same time, we can’t be selfish with it either. Karma plays an important role with law of attraction. By sharing wealth with the less fortunate, we’re acknowledging that our own need and desire for money isn’t as dire as we sometimes think.

The same can be said for anything. Relationships, health, work, luck, and more. Not only is it important for us to think and feel positive emotions, we should also share our fortune with the rest of the world.

This is how we can change the world—we must first change ourselves from within.


Anonymous said...

Great Post! You brought up some very interesting points. It made me see from a different perspective. This is very useful information for my future!

Thank you and keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I've hearing this bullshit for ever and it doesn't work. If you want to hear what really work let me know. I got some good stuff that works.

Loomis said...

I would love to hear what you have to say about what works and what doesn't.

I personally study all area's of self improvement. I believe in the law of attraction, but I also believe you need in reinforce it with action. Im not going to tell you to go out into your garden chanting there is no weeds there is no weeds. I want you to go out to your garden, see the weeds, and then pull them out. I don't want you to see it better than it is or worse, but just exactly for what it is and then learn the tools in order to make it better.

Anonymous said...

We DO have control of our lives - it's just that many of us don't think we do and stumble through life believing life is happening to us, rather than we are making life happen. You're right - we ARE our thoughts. Changing the way we think (after years of being conditioned to believe contrary to LOA teachings) is what takes work.

Stick to it - change your thinking and you WILL change your life.

I love how you say "...we must first change ourselves from within." Very true!

Anonymous said...

I think you bring up some good points although there is one thing I'd like point out. We are not our thoughts, we can't be our thoughts. I say this because if we are our thoughts we'd never be able to tell what we are thinking because we are that. Just the pure fact that we can tell what we are thinking means there is something more. There is an awareness that we have that is much more in tuned with life than our thoughts, and that awareness is what each and everyone of us must find if we wish to change ourselves and the world.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right, even I believe that one should believe in yourelf and be optimistic.
Think positive and you feel dat every thing is gng smooth.It keeps your mind healthy and healthy minds lives long.

Dominican resort said...

I believe in the law of attraction, but I also believe you need in reinforce it with action.You're right - we are our thoughts. Changing the way we think is what takes work.

Annie said...

As they say The law of attraction teaches that we attract into our lives whatever we focus on.

Vision board

Boating Costa Rica said...

I am totally agree with you.
Just the pure fact that we can tell what we are thinking means there is something more.


Chocolates said...

Such a really great post!!

Thanks for sharing!

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