You Have a Future Worth Fighting For

"Change your expectations for yourself: Expect the best, expect your fortunes to change, and expect a miracle!"
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Why do some people never take action whether they are feeling up or down? What does it take for a person just to get started? All most people ever need is a starting point, and the courage to take action. As you read this blog, you have reached your starting point to change your life around, the question is will you take the action necessary?

In order to have a future worth fighting for you must create goals worth accomplishing. Big goals that would make your life everything that you could dream of. When you create goals that are worth it on every level, you have begun to challenge for yourself. No matter what current state you are in your life, use this challenge to motivate you. Make your dreams your goals. Ask yourself often, what would my life be like if I had accomplished all my dreams. How happy would your life be? Imagine how you would feel? Wouldn't that be worth fighting for?

When you learn how to challenge yourself, you can accomplish anything. All anyone needs is a challenge and a belief that they can succeed, then they can have whatever they wish from life. People often live in a haze with no sense of direction, what it really takes for a person to become remarkable is defined goals. Once you know what it is you want your virtually impossible to stop, as long as you believe and challenge yourself.

Spend some answering these questions, and find out what it is you really want out of life.

What would you do with your life if you knew you could never fail? What if you could have anything you wanted? Do not place limitations on yourself, you can have anything you wish as long as you believe its possible.

If you were absolutely positive of success, what activities would you pursue, or actions you would take? Be specific, the more you define your goals, the more you empower yourself in order to accomplish them.

Write down all of the things you would do if you had no limitations.

Write down your dream job, and dream life.
Before anything you wish happens in your life, it first must happen in your mind!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great article on self improvement

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