My mother was a single parent of four, I was the oldest. We went through a lot of tough times, looking back my childhood was a series of ups and downs.
Through it all my mother continued to work hard, she never gave up on us. Although we didn't have much, that was by far the best gift she could have gave us.
She taught us that life is sometimes hard for a reason, we learn from the hard times. If you live life with the right attitude you eventually you get it right. Welcome the hard times, because the tougher times are, the more opportunity you have to learn and achieve. Many don't recognize that fact. Who succeeds more, the one who starts out with everything, or the one who started with nothing, but worked through the hard times and achieved all they ever dreamed?
See each obstacle you encounter in life as a chance to learn and achieve. I believe that if you accept this mindset as a part of your life it will be much easier to continue and succeed. Life is hard at times, but you must learn to move toward with no regrets.
Don't see life harder than it is, but simply for what it is. I'm not expecting you to say to yourself over and over, "everything is alright", I expect you to believe in yourself then take the action. I want you to see it for what it is, not worse. You must always be willing to work for what you desire. With a positive attitude and the ability to continue to work hard, you will accomplish all of your dreams!
1. Have a definite purpose: You should have a definite purpose backed by your own burning desire for its fulfillment.
2. Have a definite Plan: You should make a definite plan which is feasible and acceptable to your own beliefs.
3. Have a “Will” to be positive: Your mind should be closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives and friends.
4. Have a friendly alliance: You should have one or more persons who will encourage you to follow through with both plan and purpose.
I was having a conversation with a friend of mine on persitence a few weeks ago, he mentioned that he used a accountability partner. A accountability partner is someone that you talk to weekly for a couple of hours or so, each of you discuss what you have accomplished during the week, and what your plans are for the next. A good way to find a accountablility partner is by posting a Ad on
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Thank you,
Very inspiring...Thanks for the post.
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