Everyday is a new day, we never know what it has in store for us. One moment our day can be a ordinary day, and the next it can become terrible, then proceed to get worse. As the saying goes, when it rains, it pours.
Some days its tough to gather enough motivation to do the things that we need too. Sometimes we wake up on the wrong side of the bed, and no matter what we do, or others, we are angry and irritated.
But no matter what your day threw at you, or how you are currently feeling, your mood is your decision.
Although some days it can be hard to change our attitude around, it is possible. If you follow these Four steps you will be able to handle the toughest of days.
Here are 4 tips I use to help me turn those bad days around:
1. Confront the Problem
On a day where everything seems like it is going down hill, in order to change it around, we need time to reflect. Take a moment and remove yourself from the situations you are in. As yourself whats bothering you and why. The best thing you can do is confront a problem, and then solve it. Once you have done this, you will feel much better.
2. Tell Yourself to be Happy
The theory behind positive thinking is that whatever you concentrate on most is what you receive back. The more we think about the negative, generally more negative things happen. The same is true for positive thoughts.
Take some time to relax for a moment and think about something positive. A good time or fond memory you recently had. Anything that you can focus on that will bring a smile to your face. Concentrate on that positive thought for some time until your attitude changes and you are ready to continue your day.
3. Exercise
Working out is one of my favorite ways to get out of a slump. By working out I can release whatever anger or frustrations I have. Its a great way to push yourself to the limits and accomplish personal goals.
One of the most powerful ways to change your attitude is by making an extreme physical change. If you are feeling upset, and mad at the world, go out and run! Run your heart out until you can't run anymore. When you return back home, I bet your attitude while be greatly changed. If you are not positive when you get back, at the very least you will be to exhausted to be negative, but I doubt that will be the case.
4. What Are You Grateful For?
When it seems like everything is going wrong, we often lose track of what really matters. We have so many blessings that we often take for granted. If nothing else works, one of the best ways to calm down and reflect is by writing a what am I grateful for list.
Grab a pad of paper and pen and just write and write. Create a list of all the things you are grateful for, such as being alive, your family, friends, your two feet, etc. The list can be virtually limitless. By doing so we realize that what we are upset or aggravated about generally fails in comparison to what we have to be grateful for.
You control your attitude. Your mood and your life are in your hands. No matter what happens it is your decision whether you will let it get you down or if you will turn it into something positive.
Jim Rohn sums it up best with his quote:
"You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of."
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