If you don't like the way life is going, its simple, change it! Change your life for the better, starting today, not tomorrow! Here is a list of 25 ways you can improve your life. Please comment or share to help spread the word! We can all do our part in defeating procrastination and getting this world back on track!
1. Accept Your Mistakes
We are all human. It's natural for us to make mistakes. Accept what you have done wrong and commit to doing better next time. Mistakes are not failures. Mistakes only become failures when you don't learn from them and move on!
2. Create A New Habit
We often get so busy in life we forget about what really matters. Are you currently moving in the direction of your dreams? If not, start building effective habits daily that are in line with your dreams and goals. Starting a 30 Day Self Improvement Challenge is a great way to form new effective habits.
3. Get A New Job
One of the best ways to shake things up in life is by getting out of your comfort zone. Are you happy and passionate about where you are working? Is it time to make a change? If so, it doesn't have to be drastic, but it may be time for a career change. Start looking at different possibilities and Follow Your Passion.
4. Keep A Journal
Daily reflection is a huge part of my daily self improvement tasks. Writing a journal can be one of the most enjoyable ways to express yourself freely. Not only is keeping a journal great for daily reflection, but its something you can always look back on and treasure as the road map to your success.
5. Travel Somewhere Far Away
Traveling long distances is extremely rewarding. The last vacation I went on was a cruise to Bermuda, and it was one of the most relaxing and rejuvenating vacations I have ever been on.
6. Start Your Own Business
Be your own boss and work your own hours. One of the most rewarding things I have done is starting my own business. I love being able to hold myself accountable and having no one else looking over my shoulders telling me what to do. Review your passions, is there anything you can turn into a business as well?
7. Clear Up Clutter
Clean up your office. Rearrange your furniture. Do the dishes! Clear up all the clutter in your life and then stay on top of it so it doesn't pile up again.
8. Become An Early Riser
Waking up early comes with many benefits. I love watching the sunrise and having a nice warm cup of coffee. Having a well planned out and slow paced morning helps me start the day right. I am somewhat of a work-a-holic at heart. Waking up early and taking planned steps one step at a time helps me start my day out right! Learn how to beat the snooze button.
9. Start A Blog
Blogging can be a great way to make income, but besides that its a great way to release. I love writing on my blog and expressing my opinions. Blogging helps me focus, and the joy of sharing helpful information with others in need is very rewarding.
10. Pay Yourself First
I first learned of this concept in George Clason's timeless book The Richest Man in Babylon. We have to pay ourselves first if we ever plan on getting ahead. Before you pay any bills or spend any type of money each pay period set aside a certain amount for savings. Continue to do this, and reinvest that money in wise investments down the road.
11. Be Grateful
We as humans tend to think about everything we don't have instead of everything we do have. We live in the most technological advanced time in the history of the world. So many of us have things we take for granted. Start your days off right, and be grateful that your alive and taking that first step after you wake up! If you are feeling down there are literally limitless reasons why you should be grateful.
12. Commit to Self Improvement Daily
This is the most important thing I have done to change my life. The study of self improvement has created the life I am now living. A simple hour of a good book or blog daily can do wonders for your self confidence, focus, ambition, and the list continues on and on.
13. Write A Passion Statement
What are you on this earth to do? Each and everyone of us are unique, we all have specific goals and dreams. You are special in your own way, and you have skills that can help change the world. Find your passion and begin living it daily.
14. Make Today Count
Success in life can be predicted by ones daily agenda. Are you taking the steps necessary every day to accomplish your goals? Make the most out of each and every day! Develop a strong daily agenda.
15. Learn A New Language
Learning a new language is a great tool to put your mind to work. You will forever be enriched by learning a new language and culture. Not only that you will also be more marketable when it comes to jobs and business.
16. Exercise
You don't have to break any world records or anything. Just make sure you exercise consistently. You will feel better and look better. Exercising as always been a great tool for me to release stress as well.
17. Go Have Some Fun
Go out for a night and meet some new people. Spice up your life. Is there anything you've been wanting to do but have been putting off? Go for it and have the time of your life!
18. Make Peace With Old Enemies
Do you have any old friends or family members you've been fighting with over the years. It's time to let that go, don't carry the burden any longer. Be the first to apologize, even if your not in the wrong and move on!
19. Smile More
My first job was at a kiosk in a mall. At that time people always seemed to be upset when coming to purchase things. I found that if it looked like someone was having a hard day that if I gave them a big smile and was polite their emotions could change dramatically. Smile more, it is a great remedy for hard times!
20. Join A New Group
Meet some new people and join a new group. It could be a fitness group, game group, whatever it is. Go out and interact with new people and build new friendships!
21. Meditate Daily
Meditation is one of the best ways to refocus and enlighten your mind. The benefits of meditation are virtually limitless.
22. Stop Arguing
Win or lose, give up arguing. Life is to short to spend time on all the trivial matters that we often do. Instead let go and compromise, learn to work with people instead of against them.
23. Create Solid Specific Goals
Specific goals are integral to your success. It is a proven fact that people who have written goals on average achieve more than those who do not. Learn how to write your goals down and achieve results.
24. Fix Something
Is there something that you've been meaning to fix, but just haven't had the time? Well now its time to make time. It is of my opinion that if you don't fix the small things when they are small they will eventually turn into big things!
25. Take Responsibility
You are the creator of your life. The experiences you have are merely a representation of your perspective. Change your perspective and focus on the good things in bad situations. Become an inverse paranoid. See the world as working to help you instead of against you. You are the only one responsible for the way you are living now, either except it or don't. Either way you decided.
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Great Advice!!!
Got it. Thanks for sharing this. :)
Smile :-)
25 great points!
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