The average American spends 20 hours a week watching T.V. That is the equivalent to a part time job. Imagine all the possible things we could accomplish as a society and as individuals, if each American spent less time watching television, and more time working on themselves and their relationships?
Time is not a commodity. Our time is our most important resource. Not only is it our most important resource, its also nonrenewable. I'm not one to hide the truth in fear of upsetting others. I am to the point and honest, and I will level with you. People willing to do that are the best of friends you can have.
"Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better."
Jim Rohn
Life can be taken from us at any moment. I could be gone tomorrow or even in the next second. I am not trying to stir people into action with fear. I am simply stating the facts. Life is something we should treasure, and never take for granted. Be grateful that your alive, and be grateful for all that you do have, instead of focusing on what you don't. Just the fact that your able to read this right now is something to be grateful for.
There is a message to this article, although you may just think I am ranting and rambling, it is that we as a country and individuals have to stop trading our time for nothing. Don't sit down and let life pass you by, get up a take action, live with passion, and don't let life direct you, you direct it.
"You might well remember that nothing can bring you success but yourself."
Napoleon Hill
Take responsibility and make all your dreams come true. It's all possible for you, if your willing to put forth the necessary effort. Success takes work and it doesn't happen over night. Success Demands Consistent Action. If you are not willing to go after it, I hope you are content and happy with where you are. If you are not content, I hope you heed my words. If you are content, what can you contribute to help others become content as well?
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