The Little Guide To Inspiration

“You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.”
Jack London

We all have days when it seems no matter how hard we try, we can't seem to get inspired. I know I've had those days, and I don't doubt that you have as well.

For anyone who needs a little push, or shove, who needs to be motivated, I offer this guide.

I never claim to have all the answers, nor that my way is the absolute way, I am sharing what I have found works best for me, and hope it works for you as well.

First Order of Business, What is Inspiration?

Many people think of inspiration as an elusive quality, that can't be forced, but yet it can be found if you search for it.

Others think of it as a way to find ideas, but its more than just ideas. Inspiration to me is the ability to find ideas and the drive to put those ideas into action.

Second, How Do We Find Inspiration?

You can find inspiration pretty much anywhere, as long as you are looking for it. The key to finding inspiration is simply, Keeping Your Eyes Open. Too often we miss sources of inspiration because we are too busy with trivial matters.

To become a person of inspiration, be observant. Look at everything around you as a possible source of inspiration.

Some possible places you can find a dose of inspiration:
  • Blogs
  • Books
  • Magazines
  • Friends and Family
  • Nature
  • Children
  • Art
  • Photographs
  • Forums
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Success Stories
  • Everywhere...
You have to keep your eyes open at all times. You must stay present in the moment, hush all the noise of life, and allow yourself to find inspiration.

Third, How Do You Stay Inspired?

Inspiration is not meant to be a one time thing, you need to find ways to stay inspired on a regular basis. If you practice the above method of keeping your eyes open, hushing the busy noise of life, and letting inspiration flow to you- you will get better at it. Finding inspiration will become more of a skill that you can use at any time.

Action steps to stay inspired:
  • Surround yourself with inspired and motivated people. 
  • Read daily- Any type of reading from blogs to magazines. Pick stuff that moves you.
  • Get Outside- Go out and meet new people and see new things!
  • Break Your Routine- To often we get stuck in the day to day routine we have had for the past so and so amount of years. Break those routines and start doing something new.
  • Exercise- Exercising will get your blood moving, and in my opinion it also gets the ideas moving! Some of my most inspired times have been while I've been walking or jogging some place new.

Fourth, Success Demands Action

Don't just feel inspired. Use that inspiration to create something worthwhile. Use it to create your dream life. Use it to build your relationships with the people you care most about. Use it to stay healthy and motivated.

Channel your inspiration into creating something amazing!

The first step of taking action is often the hardest! If you are having trouble getting started please view How to Take Action Consistently

"An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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