5 Videos That Will Inspire You To Take Another Swing!

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Life at times can throw us curve balls and we sometimes strike out. All of the greatest baseball players have been struck out, not only once, but a ton of times! The key to becoming great is not letting those strike outs hold you down. You must have the will and resolve to continue.

Sometimes continuing can be hard for us. At times we may feel beaten and feel like there is no point in getting back up. Well that's exactly why I am here. To help motivate you and inspire you to take another swing at the game of life.

I put together this list of 5 Videos That Will Inspire You To Take Another Swing, in hopes that you will find it before you give up. Go Forward and Conquer, and have some fun along the way!

1. The Puppy Escape!
A close friend of mine showed me this video not to long ago, and it completely floored me! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have! If this puppy can overcome these odds, imagine what you can accomplish!

2. Think And Grow Rich
Think and Grow Rich is one of the most successful Success books ever written. Actually the chances are that you have at least heard of it. I owe most of my success and who I am today to this book. When I first heard the Think and Grow Rich audio in a friends car from that point on my life became different. My eyes were opened, and I had found my passion.

3. Self Improvement Quotes
Self Improvement Quotes hold within them the genius of their authors. They are little pieces of gold nugget that have the power to change your entire life. I use quotes daily to help stay inspired and motivated!

4. Randy Pausch
Randy Pausch was diagnosed with terminal Pancreatic Cancer. He fought bravely and made a difference in the world, even though he was facing death. His story and what he taught in his famous The Last Lecture has forever changed my life. Here is a quick video of Randy testifying before Congress. Lets continue his legacy!

5. The Miracle Man
Morris Goodman first made headlines in 1981 when he recovered from horrific injuries after surviving a plane crash. Morris was told he would never speak, walk, or function normally again, but today Morris spends his time traveling the world inspiring and uplifting others with his astounding story.

Related Self Improvement Videos:
Martin Luther King Jr- I Have A Dream Speech
Jim Rohn: How to Have Your Best Year Ever Series
Anthony Robbins on The Today Show

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