Give Up Excuses, Take Action Today!

“There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to use to learn from.”
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Open your mind and heart and realize that everything you want from this world is available to you. The only people who truly ever become happy realize that fact. You create your own world and therefore your own circumstances. If you are currently not living the life you wish, why not? Today is your chance to take action, let go of fear and regret and begin to live the life you dreamed about. Think about all the reasons why you want your dream life, once your whys become strong the how’s become easy. Sweep away all negative and doubtful thoughts, this is your chance to begin anew. 

Everything you want is out there waiting for you, and everything you want wants you as well. The only problem Is getting what you want requires action, will you take action?

Begin to take more action, and doubt less.  If you truly want the life of your dreams, begin to incorporate these five daily actions into your life today.  The sooner you get started the sooner you will acquire all that it is you desire. We all deserve a chance to make our lives meaningful, I encourage you to browse through this blog and pick out the techniques  that work for you  and adopt them immediately. There is a lot of self improvement content on this blog and I believe every article and principle written  has the ability to change some ones life completely. I have done my job in trying to teach these principles, it’s now your turn to use them. I wish you do, everyone deserves to live abundantly, even you!

Daily Action Principles To Chance Your Life

1. Begin each day spending at least five minutes focusing on your goals and desires. Get comfortable and spend time visualizing all your goals as if you had already obtained them. Visualize all your emotions as you close your eyes and picture yourself living the life of your dreams. Make note of any significant details and feelings you will experience. Really feel the emotions of that reality. 

2. Use your tools each day. Read self improvement material daily. Write in your journal, use vision boards, use a gratitude token, use the power of affirmations. All these tools are available to you at this very moment, and they will make your road to success that much easier. 

3. Start to take notice in your emotions, if you are feeling things that are not in alignment with your future goals, eradicate them. Stay focused on the things that will bring you joy and keep a positive attitude.

4.Be grateful for what you already have.  Make time each day to say to yourself Thank You. Think about all the things you are thankful for each morning, and watch your day become almost instantly more delightful. Things can always be worse, be glad you have what you have and the opportunity to become much much more. 

5.Take action each day that is in alignment with your purpose. If you wish to obtain something, the only true way to obtain it is by taking action. Your dreams and goals will not be handed to you, you must work for them each day. If your dream is to be a top notch author, make sure you are practicing writing and reading each day. Make a list of all the things you could do daily that would bring you closer to your goals and objectives. If you are taking steps daily towards your dreams and goals the only possible outcome is success.

“Just take the first step in faith. You do not have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all very true :)
motivational stuff.

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